Ocean Sante Wine 340ml is part of the modern elegantly designed stemware collection known for its unique angular bowl shape. It serves various functions and elevates beverage presentation, providing an extraordinary dining experience. The oversized bowl shape enhances the wine-drinking experience, and a specially designed V shape increases the perceived volume of wine, serving as a visual cue for optimal wine volume pour control. Additionally, the stem is specially designed for increased durability.
- Capacity: 340ml
- High-quality glass
- Modern, elegant design with a unique angular bowl shape
- Oversized bowl to enhance aeration of wine
- Specially designed stem to increase durability
- Product Weight: 0.22 kg
- Product Top Diameter: 5.8 cm
- Care Instructions: Dishwasher safe
- Ideal for serving white wine
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Ocean Sante Wine 340ml is part of the modern elegantly designed stemware collection known for its unique angular bowl shape. It serves various functions and elevates beverage presentation, providing an extraordinary dining experience. The oversized bowl shape enhances the wine-drinking experience, and a specially designed V shape increases the perceived volume of wine, serving as a visual cue for optimal wine volume pour control. Additionally, the stem is specially designed for increased durability.
- Capacity: 340ml
- High-quality glass
- Modern, elegant design with a unique angular bowl shape
- Oversized bowl to enhance aeration of wine
- Specially designed stem to increase durability
- Product Weight: 0.22 kg
- Product Top Diameter: 5.8 cm
- Care Instructions: Dishwasher safe
- Ideal for serving white wine
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